exhibiting as part of Yoko Ono ‘Arising’ Exhibition, Reykjavik Art Museum

Displaying image1.jpegAmazing to be one of the women exhibited in this exhibition conceptualised by the rather fabulous Yoko Ono. A welcome message from the exhibition curator about …’Arising’ art project at the Reykjavik Art Museum in Iceland.

” The installation includes testaments on the wall and in folders. It is constantly changing as we are still accepting submissions. The exhibition will be here until 5th February, 2017.

It is amazing to see so many brave, open and strong, loving, expressive, artistic and caring women. This project shows that there is still so much to be done – the world is still not gender equal and just, where people are respectful to each other regardless of their differences.

Once again – we are extremely thankful to you for sharing your stories and genuinely believe that it is a needed platform for women to be able to share their experiences.

Attached you may see some pictures of how the installation looks like.

All the kindest regards and wishing you all well,

Arising Project team Reykjavik Art Museum




Testament of harm.
Split, slit, slipped
Slippery, shy, slutten
Spluttered, sparse.
Shawn, sworn, swayed.
Spent, spat, spanked.
Sexualised, sex u lies

I am splendid, survived, solid
Strong, still, silent songs
Sexual, sensual, safe.